Setup VideoPro

How To Set Up VideoPro Testimonial

July 10, 20241 min read

Guide: Set Up VideoPro

Below are the instructions to set up your VideoPro feature to start collecting video testimonials.

Step 1: Update Your Brand Color Custom Values


Here are the custom values to update with the appropriate Hexcode

  1. Admin Brand Color #1

  2. Admin Brand Color #2

  3. Admin Brand Color #3

STEP 2: Update VideoPro Custom Values


Here are the custom values to update to define the prompts your clients will be asked as they record:

  1. SMART VT Prompt 1

    "How was your experience with our travel services? What did you like the most?"

  2. SMART VT Prompt 2

    "What was your favorite part of the trip we planned for you?"

  3. SMART VT Prompt 3

    "How did we do in planning your trip? Did we do anything special that you liked?"

  4. SMART VT Prompt 4

    "Would you tell your friends to use our travel services? Why or why not?"

  5. SMART VT Video Capture URL

    Watch How To Find Video Testimonial Capture Page URL

STEP 2: Review & Update New Email Templates

Review the content inside of each of the email templates below to modify any language Refer to: How to Update Standar OPOS Email Templates):

  • GB Step 5.501.10.01-E SMART Video Request (Online Travel Boss®)

  • GB Step 5.501.10.02-E SMART Video Reqiest Follow-up #1 (Online Travel Boss®)

  • GB Step 5.501.10.03-E SMART Video Reqiest Follow-up #2 (Online Travel Boss®)

  • GB Step 5.501.10.04-E SMART Video Approved (Online Travel Boss®)

  • GB Step 5.501.13.01-E SMART Video Recorded (Online Travel Boss®)

  • GB Step 5.501.14.02-E SMART Video Rejected (Online Travel Boss®)

STEP 3: OPTIONAL Review and Personalize Funnel Layout

The 2 funnels are available for your use immediately and do not require modification unless you want to personalize it further. Watch the below video to review the funnel and associated pages.


Sundey Gardner | Online Travel Boss®

Sundey Gardner

Sundey Gardner | Online Travel Boss®

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