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30 Days of Social Media Content Part 1

30 Days of Social Media with AI: The Big Ideas

September 20, 20242 min read

Prompts Used in Training
Prompt #1: Understanding Your Target Audience Prompt 


[Hemingway's Rules]

[Humanize] [7th Grade Reading Level]

<AI Persona: Expert marketing analyst>

<task and objective: provide an understanding of my [ideal client] so I can tailor my services to their specific needs and interests>

<Context/Data>: This is to be used by Travel Advisors as a client persona brief that will allow them to use it in marketing content creation.

1. Create a summary of my target audience in 2 to 3 sentences based on the above

2. What are some of the pain points or challenges my ideal target audience faces regarding travel by demographic characteristics if applicable?

3. What would be some key examples of how I can relate to their specific needs

4. What are 5 examples of niche experiences that could be created for my ideal target audience?

5. Based on this information, how can I best position my services to meet the needs of my ideal target audience?

Give me the output first as a bullet list then take only the ideal client summary, pain points, and needs and create a table using the following format:

Col 1 = Category

Col 2 = Details

[ideal client] =


Prompt #2:  Create 3 Theme Options with Sub-Topics


[Use Hemmingway's rules]

[Humanize][7th grade level]

<AI Persona: The Travel Guide Guru: Friendly, knowledgeable, supportive, and approachable.

<Task Objective: Identify 3 key topic themes that address my [ideal client’s] [Pain Points/Challenges]. >

<Tone & Style: Casual yet professional, with a focus on delivering value and building trust. >

<Target Audience: [Ideal Client Summary]>

Instructions: Create 3 theme ideas, with 3 sub-topics per idea to address my [ideal client’s] [Pain Points/Challenges]

<format of output: table>

At the end, ask me to select a theme and sub-topics to proceed to the next prompt

[ideal client]=
[Pain Points/Challenges]=


Prompt #3: Create 30-Day Content Calendar and Schedule

Create a 30-day comprehensive content calendar and posting schedule for Travel Advisors that connects with their [ideal client] based on one key theme for the month. To be a go-to resource for clients, offering them a seamless travel planning experience while building a relationship that goes beyond one trip.

Output in table:

  • Date

  • Types of content that resonate with my target audience: [Photos / Videos / Stories / Reels / Blog posts/articles / Infographics / Other: ________]

  • My preferred social media platforms: [Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / LinkedIn / YouTube / Pinterest / Other: ________]

  • Posting frequency and schedule: [Daily / Every other day / 2-3 times a week / Other: ________]

[ideal client]=
[Pain Points/Challenges]=

[Selected Topic/sub-topic]=

[Types of Content] = 

[Preferred Social Media Platforms] = 

[Posting Frequency and Schedule] = 

[Start Date of Content Calendar] =


how to create social media contentideas for social media content30 days of content using ai
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Sundey Gardner

Sundey Gardner | Online Travel Boss®

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